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Easily Calculate Euler's Number in Python


How to Write Euler’s Number in Python


In this tutorial, we will learn how to calculate Euler’s number in Python. Euler’s number, denoted as “e”, is an important mathematical constant that is approximately equal to 2.71828. It is commonly used in various mathematical and scientific calculations. We will explore different methods to calculate Euler’s number and provide detailed step-by-step instructions along with executable sample codes.

Method 1: Using Exponential Function

The exponential function in Python can be used to calculate Euler’s number. The math module provides the exp() function, which returns e raised to the power of x. Follow the steps below:

  1. Import the math module:

    import math
  2. Use the math.exp() function to calculate Euler’s number:

    euler_number = math.exp(1)

Method 2: Using Factorials

Another approach to calculate Euler’s number is by using factorials. Follow the steps below:

  1. Import the math module:

    import math
  2. Define a function to calculate the factorial:

    def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
    return 1
    return n * factorial(n-1)
  3. Calculate Euler’s number using the factorial function:

    euler_number = sum(1/factorial(n) for n in range(0, 10))

Method 3: Using a Series Expansion

Euler’s number can also be approximated using a series expansion. Follow the steps below:

  1. Initialize variables:

    euler_number = 1
    n = 1
    term = 1
  2. Set a threshold value for the precision:

    threshold = 0.0001
  3. Use a while loop to calculate the series expansion until the precision threshold is met:

    while abs(term) > threshold:
    term *= 1/n
    euler_number += term
    n += 1


In this tutorial, we have explored different methods to calculate Euler’s number in Python. We have provided step-by-step instructions along with executable sample codes for each method. You can choose the method that suits your requirements and implement it in your Python projects. Euler’s number is an important mathematical constant and understanding how to calculate it can be useful in various scientific and mathematical computations.